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[About Your Real Life] Introduce yourself! by Trophy May 27, 2015, 08:06:29 am
[News] Sol0rangePK 742 by Megan May 17, 2015, 02:38:06 pm
[Join My Clan!] PVM Clan by Megan May 17, 2015, 02:26:46 pm
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 on: May 27, 2015, 08:06:29 am 
Started by Megan - Last post by Trophy
Hello Everybody! Cheesy Trophy here, (You can call me Zach) and i'm currently an ingame admin for the 317. I'v been playing rsps' for around 8 or 9 years, and i'm a **** gamer. I am a very trusted player, and i love to help people Smiley I'm always nice, aslong as you follow the rules Smiley It is very hard to get on my bad side, as i don't have many enemies. But don't test me xD ~Trophy

 on: May 26, 2015, 10:34:03 pm 
Started by Megan - Last post by ღDaisyᘚ
Hai peeps! My name is Daisy! Fair warning I'm a bit of an odd ball ._. I watch alot of anime ( Dont ask what kind )  Roll Eyes  Heh heh heh. I've played runescape and rsps servers for many years. Im very sweet but given the situation i can be very cruel. (Fair...... but cruel) o.o I have a daughter named jessica. ( ^.^) and a kitty i named mow mow :3 That's all i think. Can't wait to see you all in-game Cheesy

 on: May 19, 2015, 06:24:48 pm 
Started by Megan - Last post by Sol0Range
Yoo Im Sol0Range im everything to this server.. Coder/Creator/Main-Owner
ADVICE: you always wanna be on my good side once your on my bad side consider it Good fight...

well thanks for ready
Yours Truly/
Creator of Sol0RangePk
Creator of ElixorPk

 on: May 17, 2015, 02:38:06 pm 
Started by Rise Above - Last post by Megan

 on: May 17, 2015, 02:26:46 pm 
Started by Megan - Last post by Megan
Hey guys i'm going to be starting a PVM Clan All pretty much welcome I will post requirements and rules later just want to know who would like this?

 on: May 17, 2015, 02:06:40 am 
Started by Megan - Last post by Megan
Hey guys, My name is Megan i would like to introduce myself as an old Staff member who is returning! i would like to also talk and describe myself to you guys to better get to know me. So i am a fun and loving person who will always help yeah out whenever you need something so don't be shy to come say hi, or even ask a few questions.

Things i like to do are play a variety of sports such as Soccer, Hockey, And even some baseball, i love to run as well as do gymnastics. I know this sounds more of something you'd say on a dating site but who cares let yourself be expressed and show us who you are! Welcome everyone and i hope you enjoy your time on the server.

-Sincerely Megan

 on: January 18, 2015, 09:11:49 pm 
Started by Wrecked - Last post by Wrecked
I ran out of characters on the last thread, so let's continue.

15. Home Location

Explanation: I'm all for home being in edge, but that's just like ever other server. If I remember correctly, there was a ::home2 that was in Shilo Village, and I liked hanging out in there talking to people. It was pretty spacey and everything didn't seem crammed into one little shop, ex. the general store or bank in edge. It's like the vwest cluster-**** in w301.
Shilo Village/Click Me
Red = Portals
Light Green = Shop area
We could also add put some other npcs in other places, for example the Taskmaster could go in the Furnace building, and Duradel could go in the general store with the pkp shop as well. Maybe retexture the map so it looks like this...
::: MiniMap Click ME! :::
(The X's mean that you can erase them off the minimap, sorry too lazy to do them myself atm) Also I just put the stalls in there in case you wanted to put the stalls there instead.
Or Rise's ideas, he has a few good ones.

16. Mage Arena Minigame

Explanation: What do I mean by minigame? It's already a minigame... But, I have a vision for a custom minigame. So here it goes.

Name: Arena Wars(?)

Details: To start this minigame you will need to go into the "Arena Wars" portal/teleport and it will teleport you into the safe area of the Mage Arena, where you can start the minigame. It is a 4 v 4 to a 10 v 10 (w/ randoms) or a 20 v 20 in a clan. To be able to start you cannot have a difference of more than 1 in randoms mode and you cannot have a difference of more than three in clan mode.

::: Arena Wars ****ty Layout :::
  • The Red Lines is where it's considered safe from wildy/pkers (the arena is also safe, depending on the match)
  • The Yellow Line is where you can toggle options, kinda like old clan wars (if you remember), and a couple other options
  • The Blue and Red Dots are where you can pick your team you wish to be on, if you chose a full team it will not put you on any team, and if you choose a team where it's unbalanced it will not start the game until the teams are balanced. As for clans, either the clan leader or a general must choose which color team to be and choose which clan to fight. You must be a general in the clan to be able to choose any of these options or start a war.
  • The Green Gate is where you can start the countdown for the war, at least %50 of each team must be ready to start before the timer starts.

Rules: Fixing this minigame (or any minigame) is a temp ban and a longer temp mute. If found/caught doing this constantly (4+ times) will result in a ip-mute and perm ban on all your current accounts. Same with trolling your team-mates, it's a waste of everyone's time and will result in a perm mute on your acc if reported enough times.

Options at the yellow line?:
(generals+ in the clan chat will be able to accept wars, challenge other clans, and adjust options/stakes)
Toggle safe/dangerous
Toggle bets/stakes (like a trade and both clan leaders must agree on terms, scamming through this will be against the rules)
Toggle No Mage, No Range, No Melee (Can only have 2 of these active at a time)
Toggle No Prayer
Toggle Amount of kills until win xx (if you choose dangerous then this will automatically be toggled off)
Toggle Obstacles
Toggle No Special Attack
Toggle Defence Needed to Participate (ex, clan puts 1 defence for pure fighting so the other clan cannot cheat by bringing mains; or clan puts 45 defence for their rune pure clan war.)
Pretty much the rest of the duel arena options except for toggling what to not be able to equip

***Also add a bank also inside the red lines!***

As for the Safe wars you do not need to bring your own food as you will be spawned in with whatever is in your inventory + on your character and a super combat potion (if possible to add into the game) and an inventory of sharks. I don't know if there's really "combo" foods in this server, but if so that would be a nice addition to the inventory.

During Dangerous wars the winning team can stay in the arena for at least 3 minutes after the game has finished to loot the things that they want to loot. After the three minutes are up everything left inside the arena will be lost and you will be teleported back to the lounge area/main part of the mage arena.

17. Old School RuneScape Bosses

Explanation: I haven't shown the pvmers enough love I think. Honestly I've been catering too much towards myself, skilling, and the pker group that I see ever so often in rsps's, that's mainly why we play, right? Well just to make them happy I'm going to suggest the obvious, so you can't hate me now. Please bring all the new osrs bosses, even Zulrah, the trident staff, abyssal tentacle, et c. they should be added. The content added to osrs is pretty damn awesome and well, as original as we are /s, we should add it to our server. They were great updates and would also be in this server, I see no reason for it to not be added.

 on: January 05, 2015, 07:29:50 pm 
Started by CLAIRE - Last post by Wrecked
Great ideas, im just waiting on jon.. He changes his remote desktop password aswell as his dropbox, so we shall wait..

I guess you emailed Hunter about it saying it would come online Jan 5th. Still waiting m8. How far off are you guys to releasing it?

 on: September 07, 2014, 09:23:03 am 
Started by Wrecked - Last post by Wrecked
get ahold of my on skype sol0range is my skype username i am currently 95% with having server up

Thanks Sol0, I will add your skype username also. Btw, I'm getting a client.class error whenever I try to run it.

 on: August 17, 2014, 09:39:12 am 
Started by Heartless - Last post by ღDaisyᘚ
Its true lol  Roll Eyes

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