Hello guys, Rise Above here on my ROAD TO MAXING OUT!
I will be updating my stats picture every 1 to 2 days, and describing what went up, and what changed.
Wish me luck, as I have my accompanying friend Gupgup499 skill along with me.
My stats as of 4:25 March 14 2013

Green = Maxed Red = Training
Attack Level: 99
Strength Level: 99
Defence Level: 99
Range Level: 99
Pray Level: 99
Mage Level: 99
Runecraft Level: 99
Construction Level: 99Dungeoneering Level: 1Hitpoints Level: 99Agility Level: 1Herblore Level: 99
Thieving Level: 99
Crafting Level: 99
Fletching Level: 99Slayer Level: 45
Hunting Level: 1Mining Level: 99
Smithing Level: 99
Fishing Level: 99
Cooking Level: 99
Firemaking Level: 99Woodcutting Level: 70
Farming Level: 1
Summoning Level: 73[OLD]My stats are as of 2:58 March 10 2013[OLD]

What changed since(my join) ;
+91 attack levels
+90 strength levels
+79 defence levels
+98 pray levels
+74 mage levels
+69 runecrafting levels
+79 Constitution points
+49 thieving levels
+98 fishing levels
+83 Cooking levels
+61 firemaking levels