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« on: March 25, 2013, 06:47:31 pm » |
Just tell me if I'm wrong. And give me a reason what's the benefit of this server compared to Jahids, or old school rs. . .
I mean I'm not trying to hate or complain, but We NEED to update our game and truthfully I think we need something special about our server to make it better then others, the reason of the poll was to ask yourself, Is this really a server I would play if I wasn't staff. I don't play to be staff, if I did, hell, I would've left ****ing summer of 2012. I busted my ass to be mod and et c. I felt like sol0 didn't like me, but I didn't care I had soo much fun with the community and everything else that I didn't care if I got promoted or not. That's something Wisekill understood, I made videos to get the server out there, mostly because I wanted to make better videos and kinda in a way be a youtuber, but then I realized. . . Wait if I really want to be a youtuber I would rather make a seperate channel then use this one. So I said forget the youtube thing, I'm not sure anyone really understands how much bull**** I've felt by this server, but back then, I had soo many friends on this server I didn't care. When I was a moderator I got voted "Best Staff" but that's not because I gave **** out or crap, it's because I did things for the server, I won with a %58 percent of the votes. Then once the server went down for 3 months. . . I came back and felt like sol0 opened up to me a little, which he did. Then I realized THE SAME EXACT **** is going to happen, so I slowed my production making as I quit video making after the server went down. When it went down though, I was devastated, I kept on coming back every day for 1 month and a half, checking the forums. Thats when I gave up. I come back and try to invite some players back, the staff come back. AND THEY WANT their staff position back the FIRST ****ING DAY they come back. Now first of all, what the ****, second of all I hate power hungry people on rsps's. Which most staff hunters and everyone that "wants" staff or plays "to be staff" are power hungry. So ask yourself, Do you play to be staff? I play to have fun, why do you think I quit a month and a half ago? I wasn't having fun, tbh I lost interest in Rs and Rsps's. I came back to this server because I thought I could have interest, but I don't think it's so much the game itself I think it's this server. I believe (in theory C: #my7thgradescienceteacher) that I would have a lot more fun if I knew that this server had more interest to me. That's why I'm making this, I'm making it more public that I do not approve the way this server is run and our playerbase isn't very big or good in that matter. I could take a break, but I know that would make me even more eager to quit, and also I think Minecraft sounds pretty cool, im getting into that now and hey, it's not that bad. So really we need to have coders and stop promoting people that don't do ****, I know it's your server but damn Sol0, let the string untie and the past fall. I truthfully don't expect ANYone that joins this server to care about what I did in the past, so why should you? I took a break, this is more of a lesson to old staff, who gives a ****? It's over with, let it go, now I realize, it's hard going from something to nothing. Still though it's not that bad, if you truly liked the server, you'd play if you were staff or not. I remember one of our co-owners tried to make a point he wasn't powerhungry. He demoted himself to mod to prove to other staff that "Who cares about rank?" at the end of the day it's about how you think you did not about how someone rates how you did, but if you gave it your all. Good for you! If not then you can improve. Staff rank is like a promotion irl. No one gets a undeserved promotion irl, why should they here? I know its a game but let's compare it to something that's not a game. Now, now, I hope you realized, in life you aren't going to be handed a job, or money, or **** like that. You can't just go up to your boss after 4 weeks and say "Can I be store manager?". I don't like the idea of applications, I feel like someone told me, "The application says how fantastic you are and doesn't tell the truth, what you do and your actions should say who you are and how qualified you are." -Armadyl Dig. Arma was one of my favorite players because of that, he didn't help others to become staff, he did it because our staff was **** and he truly cared for the server, now I mean he wasn't power hungry or anything. I once told him to reply and he said what he said above. . . Then a minute later he says "I also feel sol0 will give me mod if he feels I deserve it." Finally 3 weeks later he puts an app up after 2 more mods were accepted. He gets to be mod finally, but he quits because we lost our playerbase. Always, always, always, staff is ****ed up it seems. The worse scenario on this server I've seen is with a mod named "Kelly". She was corrupt, she was a suck up, she was soo self centered. How she got mod, "The application says all" I don't care if you played back then and disagree with me on this. Kelly was the worse staff I've seen promoted (without donating) EVER. She would ask if anybody needed help every two minutes, she would be online and afk a lot. She only talked to staffmembers. She only would only ask if anyone needed help if an owner or high ranking staff member was online. And lastly she would be such a **** to you if you tried to correct her, but she would still try to be polite. Now I would be soo happy if we could have %50 of our staff be great! I would be soo happy, O well, we're only %20 of the way there... I mean do you not like me sol0? I feel like you don't, as shown the other night "Rise, you're the only person on the forums that I know is active." I mean I know you don't like me. But you just call me out and say I'm inactive is wrong, also I understand you don't like me very much and I'm okay with the fact. But I feel like you (like I've always ****ing said) taken me for granted. I mean ****, I came back after a MONTH of not being on the computer and I learned you guys made 3 videos practically and gained a total player base of 2 players. I've also seen you've made promotions, but for what?? Why do we need promotions, we need players, get some players then worry about promotions. I'm sick of you sol0. I feel like you didn't like me because I'm not afraid to tell you that you're bad at this or that. Or the fact that I don't have a pipe blowing smoke up your ass. Hell, I guess you don't really like me that much. When I joined April of 2012, I felt something, I knew you didn't like me. In 8 months you've said a total of 7 words to me. I even remember the conversation. . . When you saw me on another server you asked "Why, wrecked? I thought you were good." 7 ****ing words, when I was your head admin. And after the server was shut down and turned back on, you seemed more let up to me and I was ready to make more videos. Then we went back to the same ****, and tbh the newer server wasn't the same to me and I felt like if we had some dedicated people we could do a whole lot better. I know you aren't on the forums sol0, but for all the **** you've given to me over the year. Just pisses me off.
Sincerely (your most favorable staff 7 months ago when he was only mod out of everyone) -Wrecked