1. Don't allow people to donate for staffExplanation: All this will do is make people come to the server and think it's ****ty and that you're just doing it for the money (which it's okay if you are) but you want the regular players to donate but they might quit due to bad staff if you let people donate for staff. So overall if you want people to donate for donator and you have to make it appealing to them, which I think you did pretty well last time with the donar island and making it so only donars can dice. You don't want a lot of bad staff members nor a lot of staff members.
2. Make an incentive for players that contribute to the communityExplanation: Whether it's just voting or making guides for the server make sure you make that person feel like they are doing well. Make a rank for the forums like "respected" and "Guide Maker" or something. This will not only make people act less toxic in a community, it will discourage trolls from joining the community. Also I can't remember but add a vote shop if there isn't one, and make it worthwhile to vote, but not to the point where the vote system is like soulsplit's, Pm me for the shop if you want to add one. Also add a MOTM (Member of the Month) once the server gets big enough. You cannot earn the same MOTM award twice. Ex of awards, Kindest, Most Helpful, et c.
3. Make money making even(er) to both skillers and pvmers.Explanation: A way to make it even(er) for skillers and pvmers is to make skillers go to a npc to get a task that requires them to cut yews or magics and mine runite or make a certain amount of each rune (make sure they can't just buy the runes and turn those in). Whenever they complete the task they can turn in the ore, logs, et c. for a random item (make it like a clue scroll) and make it so that they can choose if they want an easy, medium, hard, or elite task; or just give them money. Make it so to get an elite task they need to have all 99's except for: PK skill, dungeoneering, slayer, Hp, str, def, att, and prayer [Edit: and summoning].
Also don't let your admins/co-owners/owners trade items to their other acc's. That's abuse of power and adds unearned gp into the economy even if you don't sell them to other players or use them in pvp.4. Create a new forums layoutExplanation: I like this forum but make it so it fits our banner. Blue and red don't fit and also add more forum sections, like off topic, and a runescape section. Also make the forums background black so the sections pop out more and are more appealing. Red and black are pretty appealing same with blue and black so we could change that.
5. Don't let people donate to become richExplanation: You cannot let people donate for every item in-game. If you do this then it will also screw our economy. If you make it so only people that donate get rares then the economy will be run by donars and regular players won't be able to get ahead by grinding for their money. This makes people feel like the only way to be good is to donate which has happened in a couple servers before and it turns them off from the server so they will quit. Donars should get an incentive for donating but not such a huge advantage that regular players are just getting the crumbs of the wealth in the economy.
What you should be able to donate for:Staff of light
Ornament Kits
Third Age?
Amulet of fury
Royal Attire
Gilded armor
1 Custom Partyhat
Custom Items (katana, et c.)
et c.DO NOT ADD:Regular Partyhats +
Scythes or holiday items (make them spawn randomly around rs or have hns events. Note: only during their specific holidays)Godswords
Nex Armor
Rare pvm armor or items
Dungeonerring items
Xp Lamps
et c.6. Make minigames worth doingExplanation: Whenever players do minigames together they usually make friends and it brings people together. More people are likely to quit a server they have no friends on than a server they have friends on. Also it would be a really fun way to make money and it would be kinda unique as most servers don't make minigames that important and they become dead content.
Honestly the custom item for Void helmets should make pest control alive.
As for Castle Wars we can make Halos come into the game through there and some cool cosmetics that will be rare, NOT TRADEABLE, and pretty sick. ex. Golden whip coating, Fury Ornament Kit, Sol colouring kits, et c.
7. Here's a couple of skilling fixesExplanation: It's the small things that count and this is what we should do.
1. Make the skills take a somewhat realistic amount of time to get to 99.
(I'm not saying make it take forever but don't make it so people can get 99 woodcutting in 1 hour)2. Make custom areas, and more areas.There should be an area for yews, a couple for magics, a willows and maples area, and regular and oak area. It should be like that for all skills. There should be multiple areas in the wildy for runite ore and maybe 1 or 2 not in the wilderness. Not only will that make runite ore worth more it will make the wilderness more lively because of pkers wanting to kill people for the runite.
3. Make sure the prices are worth the time they put into getting the items, this is important for pvm too.We don't want people to hog up one skill or one boss and make everything else not worth doing. Bossing in runescape has always been more profitable than skilling for some reason. I don't understand it, so lets change it, because lets be honest, skilling is more boring than pvm.
8. Make pking worth it even when you are raggingExplanation: Most people join rsps's to pk and that means that they are going to want gear to pk in, whether they're ragging or prodding. What I think we should do is lower the prices in the pkp store so that people can get the items they want (not easily mind you). Especially since we don't have thousands of players to ask someone to get 950 pkp (just as an example) to get full vestas or an ags or two is ridiculous. If we give them 2 pkp a kill that's still over 450 kills just to get those items. Nobody will do that for an ags, maybe for vestas as there's no other way to get it but it's still unreasonable. We want people to pk and interact with each other, otherwise the server will get boring to people and trust me, people don't like a dead wilderness. Osrs' BH system is a great example! Have the tier systems also, a working bh like osrs will make our server pretty unique! Not sure about the shop though, again it'd take me quite a while to create a shop atm..
9. Make dungeoneering customized and fun
Explanation: You don't want a regular leeched dungeoneering skill. Truthfully make it as close to rs as possible. Real rs dungeoneering isn't that bad and it makes people work together which isn't a bad thing. The old dungeoneering wasn't good and the real rs dungeoneering is pretty good. Also, You should probably make it so that it cost around 200k points for chaotics and make sure there's no primal weapons. All primal does is make chaotics dead content and chaotics are already op a'f'.
Shop example:
Chaotic shield - 150k points
Chaotic staff - 175k points
Chaotic longsword - 175k points
Chaotic crossbow - 200k points
Chaotic rapier - 200k points
Chaotic maul - 200k points
Just something for rich skillers to buy we could also add these:
Primal pickaxe - 250k points
Primal axe - 250k points10. Custom ItemsExplanation: We need the server to stand out from other servers. I have some ideas as far as some custom items I haven't seen before, just to name a few.
Sharpening Knife (Has a 20% chance to do 10% more damage on spec and can only be applied to melee weapons that have a special attack) [Sharpening Knife can be used up to 4 times before degrading into a knfie]
Reflective Coating (able to be put onto any shield to act as a permanent ring of recoil) [Can be bought from pest control, 200 points, only 1 use and can be taken off but you will only be returned with the shield]
Ancient Staff Grip (gives the Ancient Staff +5 Magic offense and defense bonus) [clue reward]
Spiked Obsidian Maul (gives the maul +10 attack crush bonus and +5 str bonus) [add on (Obsidian Maul Spike) is a clue and pkp/bh reward]
Vengeance Ring (shortens the Vengeance cooldown by 10 seconds) [pkp/bh reward]
Godsword Shard 4 (when applied to any godsword it increases special attack damage by 5%) [Boss item]
Dragon Poison (allows poison to be put on
any dragon weapon and acts as p++ and has 3 doses) [clue reward and pkp/bh reward]
Combined Void Helmet (allows you to combine all three types of void helmets, if destroyed 1 helmet will be returned)
http://prntscr.com/5r1iu4Taskmaster Gloves 1 (makes all tasks give 5 more task points upon completion) [Taskmaster shop only, 450 points]
Taskmaster Gloves 2 (makes all tasks give 10 more task points upon completion) [Taskmaster shop only, 800 points]
Taskmaster Gloves 3 (makes all tasks give 10 more tasks points upon completion and makes all taskmaster shop items cost %10 less) [Taskmaster shop only, 1100]
11. A TaskmasterExplanation: A taskmaster that gives skilling tasks would be great, it could also replace dungeoneering honestly. Dungeoneering just doesn't work well on private servers and maybe this could replace it. For each Easy task the taskmaster will give you 10 task points. For each Medium Task the taskmaster will give you 15 task points. For each Hard task the taskmaster will give you 20 points. Finally, for each Extreme task the taskmaster will give you 35 points. Points will go towards the taskmaster's shop, not sure about the shop rewards and prices yet.
Tasks:Easy:Mine 125 Runite Ore
Mine 175 Adamant Ore
Mine 250 Mithril OreCut 175 Magic Logs
Cut 225 Yew Logs
Cut 325 Maple LogsCatch 100 Raw Sharks
Catch 175 Raw Lobsters
Catch 275 Raw Tuna/SwordfishCraft 300 Death Runes
Craft 350 Law Runes
Craft 400 Nature Runes*Create 50 Overloads
Create 150 Saradomin Brews
Create 200 Super Restores
Create 250 Prayer PotionsCatch 150 Dragon Implings
Catch 250 Ninja Implings
Catch 350 Essence ImplingsCraft 250 Black D'hide Bodies
Craft 300 Blue/Green D'hide Bodies
Cut 400 Uncut SapphiresFletch/String 250 Magic Long/Shortbow(u)
Fletch/String 300 Yew Long/Shortbow(u)
Fletch/String 400 Maple Long/Shortbow(u)Smith 100 Rune Platebodies
Smith 200 Adamant Platebodies
Smith 250 Mithril PlatebodiesCook 200 Raw Sharks
Cook 250 Raw Monkfish
Cook 300 Raw SwordfishThieve 250 Gem Stalls
Thieve 325 Scimitar Stalls
Thieve 400 Silk StallsMedium:Mine 175 Runite Ore
Mine 225 Adamant Ore
Mine 325 Mithril OreCut 225 Magic Logs
Cut 275 Yew Logs
Cut 375 Maple LogsCatch 150 Raw Sharks
Catch 225 Raw Lobsters
Catch 325 Raw Tuna/SwordfishCraft 400 Death Runes
Craft 450 Law Runes
Craft 500 Nature Runes*Create 75 Overloads
Create 200 Saradomin Brews
Create 250 Super Restores
Create 300 Prayer PotionsCatch 225 Dragon Implings
Catch 325 Ninja Implings
Catch 450 Essence ImplingsCraft 350 Black D'hide Bodies
Craft 400 Blue/Green D'hide Bodies
Cut 500 Uncut SapphiresFletch/String 350 Magic Long/Shortbow(u)
Fletch/String 400 Yew Long/Shortbow(u)
Fletch/String 500 Maple Long/Shortbow(u)Smith 150 Rune Platebodies
Smith 250 Adamant Platebodies
Smith 300 Mithril PlatebodiesCook 250 Raw Sharks
Cook 300 Raw Monkfish
Cook 350 Raw SwordfishThieve 300 Gem Stalls
Thieve 375 Scimitar Stalls
Thieve 450 Silk StallsHard:Mine 225 Runite Ore
Mine 275 Adamant Ore
Mine 375 Mithril OreCut 275 Magic Logs
Cut 325 Yew Logs
Cut 425 Maple LogsCatch 200 Raw Sharks
Catch 275 Raw Lobsters
Catch 375 Raw Tuna/SwordfishCraft 450 Death Runes
Craft 500 Law Runes
Craft 575 Nature Runes*Create 90 Overloads
Create 250 Saradomin Brews
Create 300 Super Restores
Create 350 Prayer PotionsCatch 275 Dragon Implings
Catch 375 Ninja Implings
Catch 475 Essence ImplingsCraft 400 Black D'hide Bodies
Craft 450 Blue/Green D'hide Bodies
Cut 550 Uncut SapphiresFletch/String 400 Magic Long/Shortbow(u)
Fletch/String 450 Yew Long/Shortbow(u)
Fletch/String 550 Maple Long/Shortbow(u)Smith 200 Rune Platebodies
Smith 300 Adamant Platebodies
Smith 350 Mithril PlatebodiesCook 300 Raw Sharks
Cook 350 Raw Monkfish
Cook 400 Raw SwordfishThieve 350 Gem Stalls
Thieve 425 Scimitar Stalls
Thieve 500 Silk StallsExtreme:Mine 350 Runite Ore
Mine 500 Adamant Ore
Mine 650 Mithril OreCut 450 Magic Logs
Cut 550 Yew Logs
Cut 700 Maple LogsCatch 300 Raw Sharks
Catch 475 Raw Lobsters
Catch 550 Raw Tuna/SwordfishCraft 600 Death Runes
Craft 650 Law Runes
Craft 700 Nature Runes*Create 120 Overloads
Create 350 Saradomin Brews
Create 400 Super Restores
Create 450 Prayer PotionsCatch 400 Dragon Implings
Catch 550 Ninja Implings
Catch 675 Essence ImplingsCraft 500 Black D'hide Bodies
Craft 600 Blue/Green D'hide Bodies
Cut 700 Uncut SapphiresFletch/String 500 Magic Long/Shortbow(u)
Fletch/String 600 Yew Long/Shortbow(u)
Fletch/String 700 Maple Long/Shortbow(u)Smith 300 Rune Platebodies
Smith 400 Adamant Platebodies
Smith 450 Mithril PlatebodiesCook 400 Raw Sharks
Cook 450 Raw Monkfish
Cook 500 Raw SwordfishThieve 450 Gem Stalls
Thieve 550 Scimitar Stalls
Thieve 625 Silk StallsNOTE: For this one it's been so long since I've played that I'm unsure whether or not the tasks are even in difficulty (they will change accordingly). Lower level tasks, Mithril, Maples, Tuna, et c. are given when your levels are not high enough to complete the higher level ones .So it's better to have higher levels for less banking during tasks, so they're more afk(ish). Grind those levels
*As for the overloads, they will have a quest to be able to craft them. Honestly not sure what to call it, but it will require a slayer level of 95, herblore level of 96, and that you're able to kill a Frost Dragon. It will unlock the Frost Drags portal, let you be able to create Overloads, and will allow Duradel to give Frost Dragons as a Task.
12. Community EventsExplanation: Nothing is wrong with a little bit of competition, hell I'd enjoy having things to do week to week. Choose a skill once every few days and have a challenge that last 3 days between the players fighting for whoever can get the most xp (this will be separated among the different xp rate choices), the other days that it's not skilling it should be pvm or pvp. The winner can get a reward, not sure what, and maybe a forum rank for the skill that they won at, ex. Expert Hunter x1, Expert Lumberjack x3. Also do this for bosses, and occasionally pking. This won't entirely work with a smaller server but once we get the player count up a bit, which will be hard, we can start doing these events to have some competition and liveliness between the skills. Here's an example for bosses, Bandos Expert x2, Nomad Expert x1, Corp Expert x3. Whoever gets the most kills gets the title. Honestly this would be a really cool feature to the server. I would love to see this implemented.
13. HighscoresExplanation: Honestly does this need explaining? Highscores will contribute to the type of server that I'm trying to turn sol0rangepk into. It's a necessity nowadays to have a highscores pretty much. You can't be lazy anymore guys... I know I'm throwing a lot of **** at you, but you probably aren't reading this , if you are great, hit me up on skype... Sol0, you never accepted my skype request. Pretty sad. Back to the point, the highscores will add a competitive atmosphere into the game and make people want to join to be the best and give them a server where it can be challenging but also pretty chill to play while they do something else. ex. Play osrs, watch netflix, watch some twitch streams, et c.
14. Clan CompetitionsExplanation: As much as I hate clans I must admit, some are pretty fun to be a part of. Have a clan cup once a month, whether it's pure pking, pking, bossing, or skilling. Just have one. Honestly a good diversity in challenges and a champions title for the #1 clan with the most wins/highest average scoring position would be pretty damn awesome. Don't make them too common as we're (going to be (I hope (if the server ever comes back))) already having single account events so we want these to be special. Clan communities are good for the playerbase also. If a friend plays a server and is part of a clan, he might invite you or some other friends to be in his clan also. We'll get more clans doing this and more players from the clans. It's a win win.
I will be adding more things whenever I can think of them, hope you take these suggestions in consideration. Also I would like you to recognize that these things weren't just thought up overnight and that they are thought through just not into very specific details on some of them. Though if you like my suggestions and would like to add them but need/want more details then pm me.
Edit 1/4/15: I think we should make the server an economy based 317, exp rates should be 10/20x, so you can cross off #7.1. Maybe let people pick their own xp rates? Extreme- 5x, Hard- 10x, Normal- 20x, Easy- 30x? Have different highscores for each mode.